當前位置:工程項目OA系統(tǒng) > 建筑OA系統(tǒng) > 軟件項目管理工具
A 10-12%
B 2-3 %
C 6-8%
D 3-5%
E more than 15 %
2 _____ of the extra costs of the project can often be attributed to a lack of quality.
A 12%
B 15%
C 20%
D 25%
E less than 10% 來源:考試大
3 CIP embodies which of the following principals?
A constancy of purpose
B customer focus and involvement
C total involvement
D teamwork
E All of the above.
4 The key ingredient to a successful quality management program are _____.
A management's quality philosophy, operational quality assurance and operational quality control.
B quality evaluation methods and functional quality integrators.
C technical quality administration, the technical quality specifications, and the quality process review.
D quality evaluation methods, quality progress reviews and the technical quality specifications.
E All of the above.
5 At least _____of the cost of quality are the direct responsibility of management.
A 25%
B 85%
C 50%
D 100%
E 33%
6 Non-conformance penalties are a form of _____.
A quality incentive
B risk sharing
C contract negotiations
D quality assurance programs
E None of the above. www.Examda.CoM
7 Quality Improvement Programs are normally associated with which two of the following?
A Juran and Crosby
B Juran and Deming
C Crosby and Deming
D Deming and the Japanese
E Crosby and the Japanese
8 The initial cost of a product and the product's operation and maintenance costs _____ .
A increases perceived value when balanced.
B are incidental to each other because initial costs are "sunk"
C decreases design costs as operation periods increase
D provides perceived function value and product social dysfunction
E are integrally related with each other because initial costs are "sunk".
9 Quality control is normally performed by the _____ .
A QA personnel
B project team
C operating personnel
D project management
E None of the above.
10 Quality and _____ are directly related.
A productivity
B cost overruns
C scope control 考試大(www.Examda。com)
D Pareto diagram
E None of the above.
11 _____ best describes the goal of a project in its relationship with the customer, from initial contact through delivery.
A fitness for use
B customer satisfaction
C conformance to requirements
D fitness for purpose
E All of the above.
12 The primary consideration of product management is to know the _____.
A probability of product's performance with specified parameters
B ability the product has to perform its intended function
C ability of a product to be produced within existing parameters
D functionality the product will provide over its useful life
E All of the above
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